We sell Italian soda. And that's it.
Another winner for the Jessica Simpson award for stupidity...
(This took place last year while I worked at Second Cup - For those non-Canadians out there, a rather prominent and well known Canadian coffee chain)
Customer walks up to the counter.
Customer: "Do you sell coffee?"
I look around at all the coffee pots, coffee beans, coffee grinder, espresso machine and mugs.
Me: "No."
(This took place last year while I worked at Second Cup - For those non-Canadians out there, a rather prominent and well known Canadian coffee chain)
Customer walks up to the counter.
Customer: "Do you sell coffee?"
I look around at all the coffee pots, coffee beans, coffee grinder, espresso machine and mugs.
Me: "No."
Oh my god, I had to endure that EXACT CONVERSATION when I worked at Second Cup. People, it's a COFFEE SHOP. Whether I responded with a yes or a no, I'd always give them the most attitude-filled look I could muster, like, "Why haven't you been sterilized for being so dumb?"
i work for a courier service and people always ask me stupid questions like, "Do you ship from Vancouver to Toronto?"
WTF? Two of the most popular cities in Canada?
I was actually asked if we sell coffee while I was at work (where I work now) just the other day. The woman asked me after looking at the self-serve coffee pots and staring at the board that tells the prices for coffee, lattes, cappuccinos, etc. for half an hour. GAH!
And cranberry, the next time that happens you should just say "No, we only ship between cities in the Yukon and Nunavut."
i would totally do that if i wasn't monitored.....perhaps on my last day.
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